
JSON Encoder and Decoders

This namespace includes functions for performing basic JSON encoding from and decoding to Basilisp builtin data structures. It is built on top of Python’s builtin json module. The builtin json module is not intended to be extended in the way that is done here. As such, it is not the fastest JSON decoder or encoder available, but it is builtin so it is readily available for quick encoding and decoding needs.

fn (from-decoded-json* this opts)

Return a Basilisp object in place of a Python object returned by Python’s default JSONDecoder.

opts is a map with the following options:

keyword :key-fn:

a function which will be called for each key in a map; default is basilisp.core/identity

fn (to-json-encodeable* this opts)

Return an object which can be JSON encoded by Python’s default JSONEncoder.

opts is a map with the following options:

keyword :key-fn:

a function which will be called for each key in a map; default is basilisp.core/name

fn (read reader & {:as opts})

Decode the JSON-encoded stream from reader (which can be any Python file-like object) into Basilisp data structures.

JSON Objects will be decoded as Basilisp maps. JSON Arrays will be decoded as as Basilisp vectors. All other JSON data types will be decoded as the corresponding Python types (strings, booleans, integers, floats, and nil).

The decoder supports a few options which may be specified as key/value pairs:

keyword :key-fn:

a function which will be called for each key in a map; default is basilisp.core/identity

keyword :strict?:

boolean value; if true, control characters (characters in ASCII 0-31 range) will be prohibited inside JSON strings; default is true

fn (read-str s & {:as opts})

Decode the JSON-encoded string s into Basilisp data structures.

JSON Objects will be decoded as Basilisp maps. JSON Arrays will be decoded as as Basilisp vectors. All other JSON data types will be decoded as the corresponding Python types (strings, booleans, integers, floats, and nil).

The options for read-str are the same as for those of read.

fn (write o writer & {:as opts})

Serialize the object o as JSON to the writer object writer (which must be any file-like object supporting .write() method).

All data structures supported by the Basilisp reader are serialized to JSON by default. Maps are serialized as JSON Objects. Lists, sets, and vectors are serialized as JSON arrays. Keywords and symbols are serialized as strings with their namespace (if they have one). Python scalar types are serialized as their corresponding JSON types (string, integer, float, boolean, and nil). Instants (Python datetime s) and the related Python date and time types are serialized as ISO 8601 date strings. Decimals are serialized as stringified floats. Fractions are serialized as stringified ratios (numerator and denominator). UUIDs are serialized as their canonical hex string format.

Support for other data structures can be added by extending the JSONEncodeable Protocol. That protocol includes one method which must return a Python data type which can be understood by Python’s builtin json module.

The encoder supports a few options which may be specified as key/value pairs:

keyword :key-fn:

a function which will be called for each key in a map; default is basilisp.core/name

keyword :escape-non-ascii:

if true, escape non-ASCII characters in the output; default is true

keyword :indent:

if nil, use a compact representation; if a positive integer, each indent level will be that many spaces; if zero, a negative integer, or the empty string, newlines will be inserted without indenting; if a string, that string value will be used as the indent

keyword :item-sep:

a string separator between object and array items; default is ‘, ‘

keyword :key-sep:

a string separator between object key/value pairs; default is ‘: ‘

fn (write-str o & {:as opts})

Serialize the object o as JSON and return the serialized object as a string.

All data structures supported by the Basilisp reader are serialized to JSON by default. Maps are serialized as JSON Objects. Lists, sets, and vectors are serialized as JSON arrays. Keywords and symbols are serialized as strings with their namespace (if they have one). Python scalar types are serialized as their corresponding JSON types (string, integer, float, boolean, and nil). Instants (Python datetime s) and the related Python date and time types are serialized as ISO 8601 date strings. Decimals are serialized as stringified floats. Fractions are serialized as stringified ratios (numerator and denominator). UUIDs are serialized as their canonical hex string format.

Support for other data structures can be added by extending the JSONEncodeable Protocol. That protocol includes one method which must return a Python data type which can be understood by Python’s builtin json module.

The options for write-str are the same as for those of write.