Support for launching a subprocess.

dynamic Var *sh-dir*

Bind to the value of the working directory to use for calls to sh if the :dir argument is not provided. Callers may use the with-sh-dir macro to bind this value for multiple calls to sh.

Defaults to nil, which will use the current working directory of this process.

dynamic Var *sh-env*

Bind to a map of environment variables to use for calls to sh if the :env argument is not provided. Callers may use the with-sh-env macro to bind this value for multiple calls to sh.

Defaults to nil, which will use the current process’s environment.

fn (sh & args)

Execute a shell command as a subprocess of the current process.

Commands are specified as a series of string arguments split on whitespace:

(sh "ls" "-la")

Following the command, 0 or more keyword/value pairs may be specified to control input and output options to the subprocess. The options are:

keyword :in:

a string, byte string, byte array, file descriptor, or file object

keyword :in-enc:

a string value matching one of Python’s supported encodings; if the value of :in is a string, decode that string to bytes using the encoding named here; if none is specified, utf-8 will be used; if the value of :in is not a string, this value will be ignored

keyword :out-enc:

a string value matching on of Python’s supported encodings or the special value :bytes; if specified as a string, decode the standard out and standard error streams returned by the subprocess using this encoding; if specified as :bytes, return the byte string from the output without encoding; if none is specified, utf-8 will be used

keyword :env:

a mapping of string values to string values which are used as the subprocess’s environment; if none is specified and *sh-env* is not set, the environment of the current process will be used

keyword :dir:

a string indicating the working directory which is to be used for the subprocess; if none is specified and *sh-dir* is not set, the working directory of the current process will be used

macro (with-sh-dir dir & body)

Convenience macro for binding *sh-dir* for multiple sh invocations.

macro (with-sh-env env-map & body)

Convenience macro for binding *sh-env* for multiple sh invocations.